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3 Ways To Maximize On The Effectiveness Of A Golf Instruction Video
Golf instruction videos featuring techniques and tips from leading world class players are very common these days.
Still there are very few people who can claim to have had their games improved by a golf instruction video. So here are three tips to help you ensure that you reap maximum fruits from every golf instruction video that you ever get to watch.
1) Watch the golf instruction video several times
Some people watch golf instruction videos to try and get a single Magic formula that will revolutionize their game. They do not realize that the valuable nuggets in these videos are hidden in the many small things you need to do which add up to a great improvement in your game.
This is why it is very important to watch the video several times. At least twice.
2) Get webcam shots of yourself playing and compare your posture and positioning to what you see in the golf instruction video
It may not be very easy to tell what is wrong with your golf swing for example or how to correct it without taking a very close look at your game.
The best way to do this is to get somebody else to take webcam shots of you on the course as you play. When you watch these alongside the golf instruction videos, it will be very easy for you to tell where your problem areas are and what you need to do to correct them.
3) Do golf-specific exercises to condition your body and muscles
Thirdly you will need your body and the relevant muscles to co-operate with our mind as you try to implement what you have seen on the golf instruction video.
One of the most effective ways of doing this is by getting involved in a golf-specific exercise program to tone and strengthen all the ‘golf muscles’ in your body. This way, they’ll be nothing to stop you from reaping maximum benefits from every golf instruction video you watch.
Tips on Buying Pre-owned Sports Cars
Sometimes the best buys are made with pre-owned products. This is particularly true in the case of sports cars. Many people would like to have a sports car mainly for the performance but some may want to simply experience the sheer enjoyment that only a sport’s cars can give. Buying a brand new sports car may be too much expense for many people, that's why a pre-owned or second hand sports car should be considered.
Here some good advice in the purchasing of pre-owned sports cars.
1. Set expectations
Many people go out to buy a pre-owned sports car with a brand new car in mind. Buying pre-owned sports cars is about getting the best value for your money. Knowing your needs and preferences is also a must in buying pre-owned sports cars.
2. Set a budget
Buying a sports car, even pre-owned ones can be expensive Researching through internet browsing or buying “buy and sell” car magazines can give a buyer a general feeling about the current prices of different sports car models.
3. Examine carefully
A buyer must be careful in inspecting the pre-owned car and take his time doing so. There are four essential elements of the car that should be thoroughly inspected: the interior, the body, the engine, and the papers. A well-maintained sports car is worth buying.
Open the hood and examine the car's engine. Many people may not know too much about car electronics but inspection will give a buyer a general feel of how the car has been maintained by the previous owner.
Check the inside of the tailpipe. If it is greasy, that means that there is a problem with the engine compression.
Check for scratches or dents on the cars body. Of course, do not forget to check the car’s title, etc. Missing papers will cost the buyer additional money or prevent the purchase.
4. Test Drive
Before a purchase, the buyer should take the car for a test drive. This is a “must” for all cars, not only for pre-owned ones. An assessment of the over-all handling and performance of the car should be made during the test drive.
Buying a pre-owned maybe the best choice in purchasing a sports car, especially when one is faced by budget constraints. Pre-owned sports cars have the potential to give the same excitement and fun that brand new ones can give. Choose and buy wisely and have fun while doing so.
The psychology of singles and doubles in tennis.
Single, the greatest strain in tennis, two players game. This game is the importance of personal equation reaches its peak in this phase. This game of individual effort, the mental and physical.
-5 Single match set a hard body and any of the games as the greatest pressure on the nervous system. Single daring, dash, speed is a game of foot and stroke. This is a game of chance far more than doubles. Since you are not up to you partner, you are likely to win quick to error can afford. Most of what I wrote under match play singles more than doubles, yet I am certain peculiarities of singles from the perspective of the viewer to call your attention.
A gallery enjoys personalities far more than styles. And active links to the idiosyncrasies of each individual player on the show far more quickly than doubled brings two people. Viewer watching an insect under a microscope in a state of man. He can analyze the inner workings.
Freedom of restraint felt a need for the court as the team's work is in marked contrast doubles. Get out your shot in singles whenever a reasonable chance of getting it. Hit harder than the singles, doubles every time you have more chance of scoring and can take more risks. Imagine a game of singles, doubles a science of exact angles.
Doubles is four-handed tennis. The primary reader definition enough.
It just as in tennis as the bridge is important for your partner to play. Every time you have a stroke you put a definite plan to avoid trouble with your partner must make. The main success of the team working couple, the person is not shining. Where a certain type of team work is entirely dependent on individual talent. Where both players are in the same category, as a team at any time in its strong as the weakest player, so it's here and the equal division of the court that the law should be playing with team work. Is a strong player in the case of a weak player, the team's strongest player as well as by the defense and can protect the weak. The pair of strong men to develop individual talent on his team should work.
The first necessary to play doubles to put the ball in play. A double fault is bad in singles, but it is inexcusable in doubles. Service should be done instead. After that it should be short and should come in the server attempts to clean aces in doubles until you do not open. Remember that to pass two men is a difficult task.
Always attack in doubles. The only place in the court of the net to play the doubles game, and you always should try to get clean place. I'm always trying to kill when you believe in seeing a real opening. "Peg" (a shot that is not exactly known for their side of the court) whenever you see a chance to score. Never poach unless you go for the kill. It's a win or nothing shot since it opens up your whole court. You are missing, then poach badly, not because it is very disconcerting to your partner.
As for a cover doubles court should not be a serious one. With all the people net every time with every shot that should be considered attempts to get. Volley and smash whenever possible, and return only when absolutely necessary.
When the ball towards the net player on that line and the line goes around the leads. Your partner gets a little back to the center of the court, thus covering the shot between the men. If the next return goes to the other side, the two men reverse positions. Court to cover the two sides of a triangle theory, with an angle in the center and side lines on both sides and running towards the net.
Every man his own head should cover the top balls and hit them in the air whenever possible, because to allow them to drop the other team's net returns. Overhead to protect the partner is the only time the net man "poaches," outguessed, and the ball thrown over their heads. Then the server covers and try to kill one at a time.
Always ready to protect your partner, but do not take shots over his head unless he calls you, or you see a certain kill. Then say, "I," to step in and hit decisively. Overhead is a matter of balls, crossing under them, and such incidentals of team work are matters of personal opinion, and each of their views should be arranged by the United team. I have only general rules can be modified to meet the wishes of the people provide.
Act as a defense to use, and a bad situation to get yourself and your partner do the time. Service value can not be stressed too strongly, because it gives the server doubles net. Service should always be held. Lost to doubles in the first class service is an unpardonable sin. All shots in doubles should be low or too high. It is not easy to hit as high hit in the shoulder. Hard volley down if possible. Every shot you with a definite idea of opening the court should be.
Down to team work to disrupt the opposing team hit the center, but his ace hit the side-lines.
Pick preferably a man, his opponents are weak, and his attack on the center and stay there. Pound him unmercifully, and in time he should crack under attack. It is very foolish to alternate attack, since it simply puts both men on their game and not tire.
If your partner starts badly until the round and of course to make the game safe. Never show annoyance with your partner. Do not scold him. He is the best he can, and fighting with him is not good. He encouraged all the time and worry. A team that is fighting among themselves little time left to play tennis and doubles tennis is the main purpose after all.
Offer suggestions to your partner at any time during a match, but then not insist on them, and you can get irritable if he does not. He simply does not agree with you, and he may be right. Who knows?
Each team leader must direct his play doubles, but the leader always lead to any point drop when your partner is better to be prepared. The strike leader's policy should determine the type of stroke that is not.
Pick a partner and stick to it. He is a man like you should want to play with, and should you want to play with. It would do away with friction. His style is close to his own, because you must double faults without increasing much property.
Interpretations: Different Types of Horse Racing Software
Whichever interpretation you use, we know that “horse racing software” definitely has something to do with computers. This just goes to show you how much technology has changed our world. If you used the term “horse racing software” in the past, it could have been interpreted by people as referring to a cushion which can be placed on the saddle to make riding a more comfortable experience. Nowadays, we know that software refers to programs used to make a computer perform a certain task.
Let us get back to the two interpretations of the term “horse racing software”:
1) Training use – one of the interpretations of the term “horse racing software” is a piece of programming that can be used in racing horses. This could refer to the various types of software which are used in improving the racing performance of horses. Not many people know the fact that horse racing has been brought into the age of computers.
There are various types of software used to quantify a horse’s ability to race. There are types of software designed to monitor a horse’s physical development. There are types of software which try to predict the outcomes of various races based on current trends and statistics. There are also certain types of software which trainers use to prepare racing strategies. This is because horse racing isn’t just about speed anymore. It takes thinking and finesse to actually win races.
There are also various types of horse racing software which help in the conditioning of the horses. These are used to compute the various aspects of a horse’s development. This type of horse racing software raises the activity of training horses to the level of an exact science.
2) Gaming – let us now discuss the other interpretation of the term “horse racing software”. This can also be interpreted to mean certain types of software that allow people to enjoy horse racing through the computer.
There are certain types of horse racing software which simulate different aspects of the sport. Through this type of horse racing software, you can live the life of a jockey, an owner or a trainer. This will give you an insight into the sports side of horse racing. Some types of horse racing software also allow you to challenge other players from around the world instantly.
There are also types of horse racing software which let people bet on actual races online. This type of horse racing software provides people a chance to enjoy the thrill of the race without even leaving their homes. Often, this type of horse racing software comes with a program that gives you all of the information you need to make a decision as to which horse to bet on. Some types of horse racing software also include media players so that you can watch the race from your home as it happens.
Interpretation is the key to finding the information you want. As you can see, the interpretations of the term “horse racing software” are very different from each other. In order to find the information you need, you have to know the interpretation to use.
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Purchasing a Brand New Sports Car

A buyer should make a checklist of what he wants in a sports car. He should then compare the top scorers in his list. Factors such as size, comfort, engine performance and other details may be the deciding factor for the purchase.
3) Mind the Sticker Price
Always bear in mind that the sticker price is the highest price that the market can put on a particular model. Negotiations can bring the price down if done correctly.
4) Financing First
A buyer must make provisions for financing before making a purchase. Banks may be the best choice for car financing but the approval process can take some time. A buyer must also set extra money aside for peripheral expenses such as taxes and documents processing.
A brand new sports car is a dream for everyone. When someone has the capacity to realize the dream of buying a sports car, he must be wise and careful in doing so. A good purchase will make the sports car experience much more pleasant for the buyer.
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Beginner Mountain Bike Skills
Image by Toban Black via Flickr
enjoyed by anyone who knows how to ride a bike.
Compared to the average bike ride, it does present
some danger. Therefore, you should master these
basic skills before you hit the trails or the
You can practice these beginning skills at a local
park, school, bike path, or simply around your
house. If you can, try to find a location with
a steep hill.
Get a feel for your pedals
Practice moving your foot away from the pedal,
first while sitting on your bike with one foot on
the ground. Next, move on to releasing and
replacing your foot while pedaling around for a
bit. Those with toe clip and clipless type foot
pedals will want to spend a bit more time
Sit and spin for position
Simply sit on your bike and pedal around. You
should keep your arms slightly bent. You should
also adjust your seat height so your leg is 70 to
90 percent extended at the bottom of every stroke
on the pedal. Keep your body relaxed, as there
will never be a position where you should have
either your knees or your elbows locked.
Shifting gears
Get a feel for shifting gears with your bike. The
higher gears are harder to pedal and will go
faster while the lower gears are easier to pedal
and will help you ascend hills. As you get to
steeper hills, its best to shift before you get
to the hill rather than while your on it.
You should spend a bit of time coasting while
standing on your pedals, without actually sitting
on the seat. Keep your arms bent but don't lock
your knees. Now, try experimenting with shifting
your body towards the rear end of the bike.Pedal while standing
You should get as comfortable as you can with
pedaling while standing on your bike. Try lifting
yourself off the seat while standing on the pedals,
then crank them around. You should try this in
higher gears on flat ground then again in lower
gears while on a hill.
Dropping down a curb
Try finding a curb where you can easily get to the
upper portion of it. Practice at a moderate speed,
standing and coasting right off the curb from the
upper level to the lower level. Try this at
different speeds until it becomes second nature.
Once you practice these techniques and get the
hang of them, you'll be able to hit the trails feeling
comfortable on your mountain bike. Even though it
may take some getting used to, it'll become second
nature before you know it. Read more......
Snowboarding For Beginners

It is also good to note that snowboarding is a highly dangerous activity and people do get hurt. Before you even think about snowboarding, take some lessons in safety, and make sure you are fully equipped both mentally and physically for avoiding injury to yourself and others. Snowboarding is responsible for many accidents every year, and it is an extreme sport after all - if you’re of a weak disposition, it is perhaps not the best sport for you. Having said that, snowboarding can easily be performed safely with a bit of common sense, and a bit of research, so make sure you’re prepared before you get out there.
Warnings aside, snowboarding is great fun, if you like this sort of thing. Many people adopt the mantra that you should try everything at least once, and as far as snowboarding is concerned, this is definitely true. Try snowboarding once, and join the legions of followers who enjoy snowboarding at every opportunity. Chances are there are clubs and associations in your local town, so get yourself along and join in with like minded people. Your level of experience doesn’t matter, as long as you go along and participate, you will gain a lot from it, and you will definitely have a good time in the process
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How to Buy a Snowboard
Image via Wikipedia
There are many different types of snowboards available today. Here are the most common types of snowboards: Freeride boards, Freestyle boards, Backcountry boards, Park/Pipe boards, Kids boards, Women’s boards, Boardercross boards and Signature series boards. As you can see you, you have your work cut out for you in making a decision on what board to buy.
Snowboard buying necessitates a few central questions to be answered, but you’ll be encouraged in knowing that you, by now, have the answers. Your, height weight, riding style and foot size are the chief features that will classify the suitable width, shape, stiffness and height of the board you’ll buy.
Although there are other factors to be taken into consideration, a few of the ones you should be familiar about is your riding ability and riding style. The riding style you have a preference for will lend a hand in determining the sort of board you ought to buy. There are a lot of diverse opinions on the countless riding styles there are but I am going to split them up into three main categories of riding styles.
All Mountain and Freeride style-a freeride or all mountain snowboarder make use of the whole mountain. You enjoy catching air, carving and basically all riding aspects. This is the essence of snowboarding. While a clichéd expression in snowboarding, freeride is still the best way to portray the majority of snowboarders. These riders take pleasure in the whole thing about snowboarding: the imagination that can only be understood sliding the half-pipe, the astounding feel of carving a turn on slopes, the sense of flight you get at lift-off from the big-air jump, and the feel of freedom one gets sliding on new snow. It is still inconceivably first-rate fun on spruced slopes. For next in line we will present the following.
Freestyle or Technical riding- involves mostly jumps, trick riding, rail sliding, grabs, jibbing, spins and tearing it up. Technical freestyle riding is usually set up in the parks or near the halfpipe. For a beginning snowboarder, freestyle and technical boards are the best choice. This style is well-liked among the younger snowboarders. Many of today's technical freestyle riders come to snowboarding with an understanding as a BMX, in-line skater, skateboarder, or other action sports conditions. While the gear specific to this category of rider excels in park and pipe riding, it can also be very adaptable across the whole mountain at less than full-speed. We now will move on to the last category.
Carve/Alpine style-pulls together speed and deep turning and make the most of everything the mountain has to put forward. Alpine riders are repeatedly transitioning from one turn into the next. It is all about hard carving and high speed. Expert skiers who decide to learn snowboarding tend to like the performance of carving boards, although stiffer flex and narrower width can make them intolerant for beginners. These types of riders are recognizable out of the crowd; they are always seen laying a trench in the snow with each turn. These riders "use" a snowboards edge like no others, while using authoritative body movements and gravity as their friend, alpine riders enjoy the sport only when they are attached to the snow.
In conclusion, these are the basics of How to Buy a Snowboard. All the most important issues have been enclosed and hopefully the buying process will be simpler for you.
However please keep in mind that whatever you choose to buy, remember that it is your choice and that nobody has a right to influence you at all.
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Choosing a Snow Boarding Instructor
Ask your instructor if he has any past pupils that you are able to speak with. If he does then you will be able to ensure that he at least has some experience, and you can ask those pupils how they found the training that they were given. This is something that I consider with all my pupils. I ask them if they would like to speak with any ex pupils and give them their telephone numbers. Although most don’t bother calling them up, it gives them a certain level of confidence in my ability.
What rates or charges will you incur for instruction?
This is an important question and one that should be considered as a major factor in who you choose. If an instructor is charging more then it probably reflects on one major issue and that is his ability. If you are being charged more then this may be reflected in his service and experience and therefore it may be worth it. On the other hand, if you are mainly looking for the ability to master basic skills, then perhaps it is not worth paying extra. It is also imperative that you ask if the rates that you are paying reflect every cost element that you will incur. What do I mean by this? Some instructors may charge you an hourly rate, but then the course may ask for more in order to use the facilities or rent equipment. Be sure that you know about everything that you are paying. Another point for consideration is that if you intend to train on a better slope then the costs of tuition will surely be higher. I would say it is probably worth paying that little extra to learn on snow, and on a diverse and challenging range of slopes.
How well do you think you will get on with your instructor?
This is something that we must all consider before choosing an instructor, and although we cannot always tell, meeting them in person is a great way to get a feel for their personality. Many instructors choose to make friends with their pupils however this is something that I refrain from doing. In my opinion students attain the best results, when they have a relationship of mutual respect and understanding with their instructor. When the pupil and instructor become too chatty problems arise. However, this is just my opinion. If you feel more comfortable with a chatty instructor then this should be your choice. Think about what is best for you, and allow this to influence your choice of instructor.
The times the instructor is available.
If your instructor will only be available between the hours of 9-5 and this is when you will be working then the chances are that this instructor is not very well suited to you. Stop and discuss with an instructor when both of you are available and you be sure to have a better working relationship.
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Sports Car Styling Tips
Are you planning to improve the aesthetic appearance of your car? Want to get that sporty and sleek look? Then here are some pointers that will help you dress up your car.
What products to choose from
When deciding what kind of setup you will do to your car, you should first keep in mind that there are a multitude of products being sold out there which claim superior performance and economical. But the reality is there are some good ones and and many of bad ones. Be picky when looking for car accessories and remember it is not a bad idea to look at the established brands before considering untested brands.
The wheels
One of the initial things that a car enthusiast does when dressing up a car is to replace the existing wheels with custom made ones. But this is not just for looks since performance wheels and tires also enhance a car's handling and performance. Choosing between tall wheels and short ones will be the next step. Bigger wheels get noticed more and increase the look of a car dramatically. Smaller wheels on the other hand have that vintage or retro look.
Stickers Galore
Applying sticker designs on the car hood or the other parts of the car body is one of the cheapest ways to alter and customize your car. Sticker designs range from popular performance parts logos of manufacturers as well as those designed for rally and indy races. If you are capable of making your own stickers, it is important to get permission for copying a design as it may be copyrighted. If you are planning to put stickers on the hood, choose the kind that will not be damaged by the heat of the engine. Metallic foil stickers are ideal for use on car hoods.
Lowering kits
Lowering your car means making your car more stable in turns aside from giving it an aggressive and sporty look. Cars are not the only ones that have lowering kits, so if you have a pickup truck, chances are, there is a lowering kit made for your vehicle. Although having a lower ride means improved handling, the trade off is poor ride quality since the car springs are stiffer and shorter.
These are some of the things that you can do to improve the look and stance of your car. Your car is a represents you so naturally you want it to look appealing. Of course, having a good looking car also means spending thousands of dollars. If this is your passion, then paying extra will not be a problem with you.
Choosing Golf Equipment

money pit, but armed with some knowledge you can save
time and money in selecting the right clubs for
yourself. As with most things in life, you can spend a
lot or you can spend a little several times before you
get what you really need.
If you are first starting out and not completely sure
you want to commit to this addictive game, you should
either rent clubs at the golf course, or buy a starter
set of clubs.
Buying a set of started clubs enables you to become
accustomed to them; enabling you to concentrate on
your swing instead of wondering how this set of
miss-matched clubs you just rented are going to work
As you become better at the game, you should invest in
a better set of clubs, fitted to you.
Generally, a set includes a driver, one or two fairway
woods, 4-9 irons, a wedge or two and perhaps a putter.
As you become more experienced and start thinking
about new clubs, you may want to consider buying your
driver separately. Some players want a driver to give
them more accuracy; some need the distance.
There are numerous balls available and the box will
usually have a chart on the back and direct you to the
right ball for your needs. As you learn the game and
get better at it, you should experiment with different
balls which could improve your accuracy or distance.
Having the right equipment is an important aspect of
the game; buy wisely!
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Chop stroke.
In Tennis, a chop stroke is a shot where the angle towards the player and behind the racquet, made by the line of flight of the ball, and the racquet travelling down across it, is greater than 45 degrees and may be 90 degrees. The racquet face passes slightly outside the ball and down the side, chopping it, as a man chops wood. The spin and curve is from right to left. It is made with a stiff wrist.
The slice shot merely reduced the angle mentioned from 45 degrees down to a very small one. The racquet face passes either inside or outside the ball, according to direction desired, while the stroke is mainly a wrist twist or slap. This slap imparts a decided skidding break to the ball, while a chop "drags" the ball off the ground without break.
The rules of footwork for both these shots should be the same as the drive, but because both are made with a short swing and more wrist play, without the need of weight, the rules of footwork may be more safely discarded and body position not so carefully considered.
Both these shots are essentially defensive, and are labour-saving devices when your opponent is on the baseline. A chop or slice is very hard to drive, and will break up any driving game.
It is not a shot to use against a volley, as it is too slow to pass and too high to cause any worry. It should be used to drop short, soft shots at the feet of the net man as he comes in. Do not strive to pass a net man with a chop or slice, except through a big opening.
The drop-shot is a very soft, sharply-angled chop stroke, played wholly with the wrist. It should drop within 3 to 5 feet of the net to be of any use. The racquet face passes around the outside of the ball and under it with a distinct "wrist turn." Do not swing the racquet from the shoulder in making a drop shot. The drop shot has no relation to a stop-volley. The drop shot is all wrist. The stop-volley has no wrist at all.
Use all your wrist shots, chop, slice, and drop, merely as an auxilliary to your orthodox game. They are intended to upset your opponent's game through the varied spin on the ball.
The half volley.
This shot requires more perfect timing, eyesight, and racquet work than any other, since its margin of safety is smallest and its manifold chances of mishaps numberless.
It is a pick-up. The ball meets the ground and racquet face at nearly the same moment, the ball bouncing off the ground, on the strings. This shot is a stiff-wrist, short swing, like a volley with no follow through. The racquet face travels along the ground with a slight tilt over the ball and towards the net, thus holding the ball low; the shot, like all others in tennis, should travel across the racquet face, along the short strings. The racquet face should always be slightly outside the ball.
The half volley is essentially a defensive stroke, since it should only be made as a last resort, when caught out of position by your opponent's shot. It is a desperate attempt to extricate yourself from a dangerous position without retreating. never deliberately half volley.
Court position.
A tennis court is 39 feet long from baseline to net. There are only two places in a tennis court that a tennis player should be to await the ball.
1. About 3 feet behind the baseline near the middle of the court, or
2. About 6 to 8 feet back from the net and almost opposite the ball.
The first is the place for all baseline players. The second is the net position.
If you are drawn out of these positions by a shot which you must return, do not remain at the point where you struck the ball, but attain one of the two positions mentioned as rapidly as possible.
The distance from the baseline to about 10, feet from the net may be considered as "no-man's-land" or "the blank." Never linger there, since a deep shot will catch you at your feet. After making your shot from the blank, as you must often do, retreat behind the baseline to await the return, so you may again come forward to meet the ball. If you are drawn in short and cannot retreat safely, continue all the way to the net position.
Never stand and watch your shot, for to do so simply means you are out of position for your next stroke. Strive to attain a position so that you always arrive at the spot the ball is going to before it actually arrives. Do your hard running while the ball is in the air, so you will not be hurried in your stroke after it bounces.
It is in learning to do this that natural anticipation plays a big role. Some players instinctively know where the next return is going and take position accordingly, while others will never sense it. It is to the latter class that I urge court position, and recommend always coming in from behind the baseline to meet the ball, since it is much easier to run forward than back.
Should you be caught at the net, with a short shot to your opponent, do not stand still and let him pass you at will, as he can easily do. Pick out the side where you think he will hit, and jump to, it suddenly as he swings. If you guess right, you win the point. If you are wrong, you are no worse off, since he would have beaten you anyway with his shot.
Your position should always strive to be such that you can cover the greatest possible area of court without sacrificing safety, since the straight shot is the surest, most dangerous, and must be covered. It is merely a question of how much more court than that immediately in front of the ball may be guarded.
A well-grounded knowledge of court position saves many points, to say nothing of much breath expended in long runs after hopeless shots.
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